
The best carriers for the best price.

More transport capacity.

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The best carriers for the best price. More transport capacity. Be the best partner.

Transport Tendering

Do you want your tender process to be optimized? Our experts can advise and help you with various challenges you may face in tendering.

Or, in case you find tendering a difficult or tedious process, we can also completely manage your tenders. This way, you are sure your requirements are met while saving time and money.

Do you want to know more? Leave your contact details, and we will contact you soon.

Transport Tendering

Tendering for the best performance

Due to our transport DNA, we know what carriers deal with while delivering your goods. We have up-to-date market knowledge and almost 100 years of transport experience in-house.

This way, we know what challenges carriers face because of unrealistic tendering and the consecutive impact on you as a shipper. 

Therefore, we tender in such a way it delivers the best result for you as a shipper while maintaining a good deal for your carriers.

Experience for your best tender result

With 14-year SmartWay Logistics, experts on all different modalities and several large shippers as customers, there is a lot of in-house expertise in logistics and tendering. Due to this experience, we know how to run a successful tender; we gather the essential information, set realistic deadlines and provide proper feedback to the carriers. This way, you get the optimal result considering the preferred capacity, price and performance for your transport orders.  

Our carrier management team has a broad network and an up-to-date database of carriers. This way, we deliver the most suitable carriers for your transport orders.

Co-development of tender software

We co-develop the software we use in tendering; this way, you are sure we always use the most up-to-date tender tools. It’s flexible, and we are experts in setting up tenders and analysing the tender process.


Do you want the best carriers?

Are you in need of new carriers for your situation? Our experts are ready to match the best suitable carriers.

Give us a call (+31(0)30 - 82 00 800) and learn about SmartWay Logistics services, pricing, implementation and more.


How do you manage transport tenders?

Together with you, our specialists gather data for a complete shipment profile. Then, we create tender documentation with all associated requirements, such as rate validity, transit times and transport type. This is the basis for a tender. 

When this is done, we make a selection of carriers. Therefore, we select your preferred carriers and add carriers from our carrier database who meet the standards and include them in the tender process. 

Our tender software supports the administrative process and invitations and performs the basic analytical reports to guarantee a smooth process within a predefined time frame.


How to manage outsourced tenders?

You want to stay in control even when you outsource your transport tenders. So, how do you stay in charge of the tender process when you let a 4PL provider like SmartWay Logistics execute your freight procurement?

How we see it, you determine the preferred involvement in the entire process. For example, you outsource the administrative part or let us negotiate with carriers. Or you can go for the whole package and let us manage all, including analysing different scenarios. 

Either way, at the end of the tender, you decide about the awarded lanes and carriers. This way, you keep control.  


What kind of logistics tenders are there?

We can provide tenders for all different transport modalities. For example, we comprehend various transport modes such as air, sea, road, and parcel. 

Besides, the tender software we use is suitable for each transport mode. In addition, it is also possible to run a tender that involves different modalities.

Whether you have a small regional or full European tender, we can execute it for you.

Our Services

Tendering is an integrated part of the control tower functionality of SmartWay Logistics. With our in-house experts, we can advise you on a consultancy basis or coordinate the carrier process on your behalf.